Today I Learned

TIL, 2022-11-02, Core Web Vitals

Total Blocking Time (TBT)


  • Total time between First contentful paint and time to interactive, where the main thread was blocked for long enough to prevent input responsiveness.
  • Main thread is considered “blocked” any time there’s a long task (task running on the main thread for more than 50 ms.
  • Blocking time - duration in excess of 50ms.
  • TBT relate to TTI - quantifies how non-interactive a page is prior to it becoming reliably interactive.
  • TTI is reliable interactive if the main thread has been free of long tasks for at least five seconds.
  • Good score: 200ms on average mobile hardware.
  • Improving:
    • Reduce 3rd party code.
    • Reduce JS execution time.
    • Minimise main thread work.
    • Keep requests counts low and transfer sizes small.

Reduce the impact of third-party code

Reference Reference

  • Lighthouse audit can highlight scripts that take a long time to parse, compile, or evaluate.
  • Network payloads: Identify network requests, including those from third-parties that may slow down page load time. The audit fails when your payload exists 4000 KB.
  • You can block some third party scripts if you need to, and see if things are faster.

Efficiently load third-party JavaScript


  • Use async or defer attribute on <script> tags.
    • async and defer attributes tell the browser that it may go parse the HTML while loading the script in the background, and then execute when they load.
    • async will execute after they finish downloading and before the window’s load event. So it’s possible that async scripts will not be executed in the order in which they appear in the HTML. Use for critical resources.
    • defer will execute after HTML parsing is completely finished, but before the DOMContentLoaded event. Use for less critical resources.
    • Telegraphy recently deferred all of their scripts, and improved the ad loading time by an average of 4 seconds.
  • Establish early connections to required origins.
    • preconnect and dns-prefetch - informs the browser that your page intends to establish a connection to another origin, and that you’d like that process to start as soon as possible.
    • dns-prefetch handles the subset of what is linked by link rel="preconnect". dns-prefetch instructs the browser to only resolve the DNS of a specific domain before it has been explicitly called.
    • preconnect for
  • Lazy-loading.
    • Use IntersectionObserver or lazysizes for lazy-loading images and iframes.
  • Optimise how you serve third-party scripts.
    • CDN - has costs such as establishing that HTTP connection, SSL handshake.
    • Self-host: Reduce DNS lookup, improve HTTP caching headers, take advantage of HTTP/2.
  • Service workers to cache scripts from third-party servers.

Best practices for fonts


  • Impact on performance:
    • Delayed text rendering: Typically, if a web font has not loaded, browsers will delay text rendering, which delays FCP and LCP.
    • Layout shift: Can have some CLS.
  • @font-face
    • Declares the name that will be used to refer to that font and indicates the location of the font file.
    • Myth: A font is requested when a @font-face declaration is encountered. The font would only be downloaded if an HTML element matches the styling used on the page.
  • If fonts are third-party, preconnect to critical third-party origins:
    • But this comes at the cost of taking away browser resources from the loading of other resources.
  <link rel="preconnect" href="">
  <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
  • Self-hosted font: Make sure your site is also behind CDN.
  • WOFF2 and forget about everything else.
  • If can, use the system font.
  • Font rendering:
    • font-display - tells browser how it should proceed with text rendering when the associated web font has not been loaded.
    • font-display: optional - If the font takes 100ms, don’t swap out the font.
    • font-display: swap - display the text and then swap it out when the web font arrives.
    • font-display: block - display the text invisibly but have space, and then see the text with the new font when it arrives.



  • Allows the browser to setup early connections before an HTTP request is actually sent to the server.
  • Eliminates round trip - begins the request in parallel with CSS request so it can remove round trips from the critical path.

This project is maintained by daryllxd