Today I Learned

TIL, 2022-11-01, Dangerfile and Service workers

Dangerfile CI learnings

  • Passing info from Node script to Jenkins - need to exit code + try catch. No idea if there’s a better way.
  • Then, keep on try catch until you’re able to get to Jenkins, and do conditionals based on that error message.

What Are Service Workers and How to Use Them?


  • Web application can - cache content so that it’s accessed offline, push notifications, and can provide periodic background sync for data backup.
  • SW is a JS file that can be used to cache certain assets of your application.
    • Control how network requests are handled in the app.
  • Steps:
    • Installing/registering a service worker. Can see it on Cache Storage in Application tab in dev tools.
    • Activating service worker: Mostly for deleting.
    • Fetching the required content from cache: Responsible for fetching cached assets, in order to allow an app to function offline.
  • Registering an SW: In the index.html tag.

This project is maintained by daryllxd