Today I Learned

TIL, 2022-10-07

It’s OK to use function calls in Angular templates!


  • Use a pipe: Angular will re-run the transform method of the pipe only if the parameters we pass to it have changed.
  • Angular really just checks if something has changed via So if the “object didn’t change, then the object wouldn’t be re-evaluated”.
  • The “memoization code”: Checks if an argument changed, if yes then re-run the function, else don’t.
// Function defined here
export function memo<T extends Function>(fnToMemoize: T): T {
  let prevArgs = [{}];
  let result;

  return function (...newArgs) {
    if (hasDifferentArgs(prevArgs, newArgs)) {
      result = fnToMemoize(...newArgs);
      prevArgs = newArgs;

    // Don't run the function if the result didn't change
    return result;
  } as any;

function hasDifferentArgs(prev: unknown[], next: unknown[]) {
  if (prev.length !== next.length) return true;
  for (let i = 0; i < prev.length; i++) {
    if (![i], next[i])) return true;
  return false;
  • It actually works, but you can’t use it twice, because the cache will break.

  • Learnings:

    • ViewChild - can query by directive but can also query by a provider defined on a component or a directive. Reference
    • Why use @ViewChild over getElementById? Reference
      • Because Angular isn’t made to just run in a browser. For example you can run Angular in a web worker and web workers do not have direct access to the DOM. Think about other platforms where angular can run, native desktop and native mobile for example.
      • That’s why they’ve added DOM abstraction, the framework will figure out how to access the element you want to select depending on the platform.
      • ViewChild can grab directives, it can grab reference to another component’s controller.
      • ViewChild is not a DOM selectors, and it’s done with ElementRef and Renderer2.
      • The compiler thinks about how class member x is related to DOM element X.
    • Angular pipe - get current element reference Reference
      • With pure: true, there is only one instance of the pipe class created per component.
      • With pure: false, one per use of the pipe in the components HTML.
      • el: ElementRef will only get the reference to the component in which the pipe is used in.
<input #inputEl type="text" value="'my-translation-key' | translate: inputEl" />

export class TranslatePipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(key: string, element?: any): string {
        // Element was marked by #inputEl template variable.
        element.dataset.translationKey = key;

This project is maintained by daryllxd