Today I Learned

TIL, 2022-07-14, NGRX Unsubscribes

NGRX Common Gotcha’s


  • Subscribing to a selector inside the component - needs to be unsubscribed if it isn’t in a pipe.
  • Can do takeUntil or take(1) or UntilDestroy.
ngOnInit() {
    .subscribe((customer) = > {
      this.customerIsCool = customer.supports === 'Southend'; <- Leak
  • Feature selectors - Memoized selector and createFeatureSelector?
  • Flattening operators: switchMap cancels previous prior observables. mergeMap and concatMap need to be used if you need to process the result of each API call.
  • Avoid unnecessary API calls:
@Effect() loadSomeData$ Observable;
constructor(private actions$: Actions, private store$: Store) {
this.loadSomeData$: Observable = this.actions$
  .switchMap(([action, state]) => {
    const currentState = selectors.selectSomeState(state);
    const loading = selectors.selectLoading(state);
    if (currentState || loading) {
      // We either already have the state in the store,
      // or are already loading, so there is no need to
      // kick off another API call
      return empty();
      return doApiCall()
         .map((response: LoadDataResponse) => {
            return new actions.Success(response);
         .catch(() => of(new actions.Failed()));
  • Ensure none of the state tree is mutated: NGRX store freeze Reference

When to Unsubscribe in Angular


  • valueChanges.
  • router subscriptions.
  • renderer service.
  • Infinite sequence from interval() or fromEvent() observables.
  • Select methods in NGRX.
  • Don’t unsubscribe:
    • Async pipe.
    • @HostListener.

This project is maintained by daryllxd