Today I Learned

TIL, 2022-06-28, `UnfocusableDirective`

  • switchMap to do 2 effects

Reference Reference Reference Reference

  • HTMLAnchorElement represents <a>. Not to be confused with HTMLLinkElement which is <link>. (There is also an HTMLButtonElement.)
  • Accessing Host component from a directive Reference
    • Host + Self + Optional.
import { Host, Self, Optional } from '@angular/core';

export class ExampleDirective {
    @Host() @Self() @Optional() public hostCheckboxComponent : MdlCheckboxComponent,
    @Host() @Self() @Optional() public hostSliderComponent   : MdlSliderComponent
  ) {
    if(this.hostCheckboxComponent) {
      console.log("host is a checkbox");
    } else if(this.hostSliderComponent) {
      console.log("host is a slider");
  • Using vcRef to access private properties.
class MyDirective {
  constructor(private vcRef: ViewContainerRef) {}

  private getHostElementFromViewContainerRef(): unknown | null {
    // TL;DR of the below method:
    // return this.vcRef._lContainer[0][8];
    // Inspired by

    const vcRef = this.vcRef as any; // We're accessing private properties so we cast to any to avoid awkward TS validation issues

    // We fetch the component associated with the element this directive is attached to by navigating via the ViewContainerRef.
    // The VCRef contains a reference to the LContainer, which represents the state associated with the container:
    const lContainer = vcRef._lContainer;

    if (!lContainer) {
      return null;

    // LView has all its elements defined as array elements, with keys hardcoded to numeric constants:
    // We care about two of them:
    const HOST = 0; //
    const CONTEXT = 8; //

    // LContainer is an array, with the element at the HOST position being an LView if the container is on a Component Node.
    // This means that this may not work if this directive is declared on a native HTML element.
    // Note that LContainer uses the same indexes as LView, so it's the same HOST constant as declared in the LView interfaces file.

    const lView = lContainer[HOST];
    if (!lView) {
      return null;

    // For a non-root component, the context is the component instance.
    // So if this directive is correctly attached to an Angular Component (e.g. `<app-*`),
    // this array entry will contain the instance of that component.
    const contextElement = lView[CONTEXT];

    return contextElement || null;


This project is maintained by daryllxd