Today I Learned

TIL, 2022-06-10, React in Angular



  • As part of loading the LC editor, document information is retrieved from the servers. This information includes the ID of the status assigned to the document and some status definitions.
    [options]="definitionsPromise | async"
  • If definitionsPromise depends on hasStatus, then if hasStatus returns true, I can be sure the menu options were ready.
  • Promise - it has two methods, .then and .catch. If the Promise resolves successfully, then any callbacks passed to .then are run, and if the Promise is rejected or has an error, .catch is executed.
  • Async pipe.

Should you wrap your UI Component Library?


  • Reduce API surface - the wrapper will expose the functionality which you want to be used in your application.
  • App-wide changes - a change in all instances of a specific component will become easy.
  • Replacing the component library if needed - you can theoretically replace it with another component library if ever. (This is in theory, since replacing the UI component library is costly anyways).
  • Arguments against - the usage of the component is always different. Then the wrapper will be a copy of the component and is not helpful at all.
  • Suggested to create the wrapper mid-way through the project.
  • Implementing wrapper: Use ControlValueAccessor.

Embedding React Components in Angular (the Easy Way)


  • What must work: prop bindings, change detection. Styling. React components are unaware of being embedded inside Angular.
  • Should be incorporated into the same source project with dev/build pipelines.
  • How?
"dependencies": {
    "react": "^16.12.0",
    "react-dom": "^16.12.0",
"devDependencies": {
    "@types/react": "^16.9.17",
    "@types/react-dom": "^16.9.4",
  • Bridge/Wrapper component
    • tsx extension.
    • The wrapped component’s styles are in styleUrls in @Component.
    • Wrapper view changed to ViewEncapsulation.None.
    • Input/Output mirror React props.
    • Placeholder element ref created to mount the React component into.
    • Lifecycle hooks ngOnChanges and ngAfterViewInit are implemented to render and re-render the React component.
    • Lifecycle hook ngOnDestroy unmounts the React component when the Angular wrapper component is destroyed.

This project is maintained by daryllxd