Today I Learned

TIL, 2018-12-30, Reading List Smash

Airbnb’s 10 Takeaways from Moving to Microservices


  • Monolith first. Microservices is a pre-optimization.
  • Devops culture: Each engineer has to be prepared to support their service when deploying la.
  • Ops: triage, coordinate, and communicate. Systems operation teams.
  • Configuration is code. Having your configuration as code makes it easy to reason about.
  • Monitoring and alerting like New Relic. Alerts are configured as code.
  • Continuous delivery: every new service that’s created will have the same process and functionality as a monolith.
  • Automate every small thing that can be automated.
  • The first services are going to be bad. Just keep on trying.
  • Democratic deployment: all devs are expected to own their features from implementation to production.
  • Make all config easily accessible so devs can create a service with one pull request.

Check My Code: Tips to Keep Ruby Code Smell-Free


  • Remove the if ... return true, else return false code by making it its own method.
  • Long conditionals like a switch: You can make it a hash with a default value. This is not a good solution for space complexity!
puts "What is your major?"
major = gets.chomp

# Set default response
major_responses ="That's a cool major!")

# Add other responses
major_responses["Biology"] = "Mmm the study of life itself!"
major_responses["Computer Science"] = "I'm a computer!"
major_responses["English"] = "No way! What's your favorite book?"
major_responses["Math"] = "Sweet! I'm great with numbers!"

puts major_responses[major]
  • Classes with attributes but no methods: just use Struct!
  • If you have to do a chain method, you have to be defensive there.

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