Today I Learned

TIL, 2018-07-09, Cont. Hammering out that Reading List

Why every startup should adopt Amazon’s 14 Leadership Principles, with examples


  • Being an entrepreneur — committing to building and running a startup — is an all-encompassing lifestyle; it’s something you do not because you want to do it, but because you’re compelled to do it.
  • Customer obsession: Go above and beyond the call of duty. Consider proactively refunding them if you know you dropped the ball, refund them before they even ask for it.
  • Ownership: Is about prioritizing long-term over short-term goals, always acting on behalf of the team and the company as a whole.
  • Invent & Simplify.
  • Are right, a lot. Do a 180 when necessary.
  • Learn & be curious. Quora = need and desire.
  • Hire & develop the best.
  • Insist on the highest standards. Have a checklist that needs a two-way confirmation.
  • Bias for action: they move forward faster than get stuck in paralysis by analysis.
  • Frugality: don’t spend money needlessly!
  • Dive deep, data is all that matters. When data and feelings are misaligned, trust the data.
  • Have backbone, disagree, and commit.
  • Deliver results.

I just don’t want to be a software developer anymore


  • Hobby coding isn’t at all like coding for work: a lot of coders work on little fragments, work that is tedious and devoid of any kind of creativity.
  • Coding for a couple of hours a day in your spare time isn’t the same as coding for 8+ hours a day.

HN Comments

  • Most jobs aren’t going to provide you with fun for 8 hours a day. I feel like the older I get the more I understand that a job is a way for me to trade time for money, I don’t have to (or should expect to) like it.
  • I find it very difficult to complain as a coder given the conditions at the moment. Companies battle to hire people and the pay is globally extremely good. Most of the time it is easy to get time off or to accommodate “errands” during the day.
  • I gladly do menial tasks, and go above and beyond at my craft - I don’t take things for granted because I hated life where I had to depend on the kindness of friends to live.
  • As developers, we lead a very charmed life that others sometimes aren’t even born with the chance to intellectually compete for; the author neglects to address how lucky we are to be able to do this at all, let alone to then find employment in it. If it’s not an industry that benefits you holistically, find something you love that doesn’t strain your neck or involve gender-politics- dentistry for example, or maybe upholstery or culinary arts.

On the Unhappiness of Software Developers


  • When things go wrong, you either move on or start fixing things, and that perpetuates your job (hopefully). If things take more time, it is their time. I come in at 8am, leave at 4pm. I don’t take my laptop home. I don’t work from home. I see their inefficiencies as opportunities for me to spend time on things like learning and experimenting.

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