TIL, 2018-04-10, Browsing Systems Design on Youtube.
- When I can’t connect to the router upstairs, I should just shut down (not restart) the machine.
- Sharding
Connection Pool
- Systems Design: Design Autocomplete or Type-ahead Suggestions
- Request flow:
- Zookeeper ->
- Trie data structure.
- Redis as a distributed cache>
- Data collection flow:
- Cassandra: Collecting data about phrase, time, and the sum of weights.
- Then you use some applier or whatever tech to apply which phrase is used and dump it into the request databases.
- Request flow:
- Shortcuts for Iterm:
- Cmd-Opt-Left or Cmd-Opt-Right to move tabs around.
to move across tabs.
- Making Tomighty start when the computer starts.