TIL, 2018-02-24, Ecto and Plugs
Time-saver: To save shit in
, you still need toalias HabitsOne.Repo
, then save things likeRepo.insert(changeset)
. - Immutability in Javascript: The copying part/massive cloning.
- Erlang shell:
. Get Erlang versin:erl -eval 'erlang:display(erlang:system_info(otp_release)), halt().' -noshell
Reference - Wow composition of changesets are really cool.
- Then you can separate the validation from the saving.
- Method names for variable: doesn’t exist. Reference
.iex> i hello
=> inspect?iex> exports Ecto.Changeset
, readable format.iex> h Ecto.changeset
to browse documentation without exiting the terminal.
- IEx History: Reference
:- A set of functions for working with keywords.
Programming Phoenix, Studying Ecto
- Sample debugging when trying to insert things
def registration_changeset(model, params) do
aw = model
# creates an Ecto.Changeset instance from the model, blank changes
|> changeset(params)
# cast: applies the given params as changes for the data according to the given set of keys.
|> cast(params, ~w(password), [])
# applies a required validator. if no password, still pass through the function but add an error to the changeset
|> validate_required(:password)
# applies a length validator
|> validate_length(:password, min: 6, max: 100)
# calling another function which can transform the changeset (change attributes, add an error) or not
|> put_pass_hash()
require IEx; IEx.pry
# Because of immutability, you need to have an assignment to the "changed model". You can't just do `model` here because you get the untouched model.
# This is actually cool because you can then do things step by step as long as you assign and re-assign.
# At this point, you can call `Repo.insert(aw)`
aw # Still have to return the changed model or inserted model
- Pattern match to get the
from the inbound form. - Create a registration changeset, and if it’s valid, we insert it and present the result to the user.
- If not, render the same thing, with the changeset.
- Controller is separate from change policies in the model layer.
- Model layer has no side effects. (Repo takes care of inserting).
- Changeset = data structure that tracks changes and their validity.
Programming Phoenix, Plugs
- Module plugs: a module that provides 2 functions.
plug Plug.Logger
. - Function plugs: single function.
plug :protect_from_forgery