TIL, 2018-02-19, Programming Phoenix
- Gin, Martini: Go frameworks.
- Plug: Rack for Elixir.
- Hexdocs are the documentation for Phoenix.
mix archive.install https://github.com/phoenixframework/archives/raw/master/phx_new.ez
to install Phoenix or upgrade to latest version. ReferenceCtrl-C
during IEx to break out of it.cowboy
: Phoenix web server.- Controller and View are explicitly separate. They are also separated from the template being shown.
- Templates: Embedded Elixir (
file). - Change starting port:
, then there is a port section there. - Or you can do:
PORT=4002 mix phx.server
$ gem cleanup
to remove stuff. SolvesUnresolved specs during Gem::Specification.reset
(which usually means there are old gems in the system which may be interfering with your command). Reference- Pluralsight Ruby Beyond the Basics:
- Currying in Ruby.
- You can do functional things when applying multiple discounts for the report.
- “What this class does is what this class is.”
- Functional programming: Composition, referential transparency, and small, specific solutions.
Color Filter
class ColorFilter
def initialize(color)
@color = color
def apply(products)
products.select { |p| p.color == @color }
Programming Phoenix
mix local.hex
to install Hex, the package manager.mix phoenix.new -v
to check Phoenix version.mix phoenix.new hello
: Creating the app.mix ecto.create
:rake db:create
?mix phx.server
:rails server
: Edit this thing for the database.iex -S mix phx.server
to run the app inside IEx.prod.secret.exs
environmental variable to switch between prod/dev.- This looks really nice:
|> put_flash(:info, "Whoa cool.")
|> put_flash(:error, "Error.")
|> render("world.html", name: 'SWAGG')
- This is like the part of the Rails boot process/Action Pack:
defmodule Hello.Endpoint do
user Phoenix.Endpint, otp_app: :hello
plug Plug.Static,
plug Plug.RequestId,
plug PLug.Logger
plug Plug.Parsers,
plug Plug.MethodOverride,
plug Plug.Head
plug Plug.Session,
plug Hello.Router
- This is essentially:
|> Plug.Static.call
|> Plug.RequestId.call
|> router
|> HelloController
How I Rented a Nice Place
- Umbrella: A way of organizing a project into different standalone modules that depend on each other.
$ mix phx.new --umbrella rent_bot
.- HTML parsing library:
. - HTML requester: