TIL, 2017-04-10
- ActiveSupport
"production".inquiry.production? # => true
"active".inquiry.inactive? # => false
- You can turn off Facebook Messenger.
- You can do something like this to enable both `/authors/` and `/authors/posts` via `Authors::PostsController`.
``` ruby
namespace :authors do
resource :posts
resources :authors
to hide implementation details.- Strong params syntax.
- Stronger params.
- Converstaion with alvin re Rails is actually just a set of apps working together
- Try to make methods with just one arity if possible.
- 2 queries are needed at least for joining 2 tables, unless you do a join from the start.
- Enumerable find to not access db again.
- Rethink policy DSL.
- Hash functional replace: merge.
- JSON standard.
- Ruby Hash store method is an alias for []=.
- DHH controller structuring