`forwardRef`, CSS variables in Tailwind
React keys, fragment, Tailwind container
Instagram optimizations, front-end caching
Dangerfile CI learnings, Service workers
Dangerfile digging, npx vs npm, Big tech and scrum
Micro-frontends and module federation
Preloading and lifecycle hook for module loading
, Future Facing Front-end Architectures
Actual Lazy Loading in an Angular template
Resolver with Params, Multiple Async pipes
Front-end component design principles
ngrxLet and current value of RxJS subject?
Intersection Observer and Infinite Scroll, Angular Ivy
Observable from data, background-size allowance, SCSS interpolating variables
Angular vs React Deep Dive, Performance and Scalability Patterns
SQL refactoring, sharding, aspect oriented programming
Tech leading, repository pattern, Django business logic
How video streaming works and being a team lead.
Working on the craft, both coding and interviewing skills wise.
Interviewing, Monads in Ruby, Wrapping APIs, Locking in AR
Cool article on HN re: ORM weaknesses, caching antipatterns, CTO role changes
Continuous Delivery, Back-end interview questions, Rails and E-commerce, Data Migrations
RDBMS vs NoSQL, Different Flavors of NoSQL, UX re: adding a new item in a table list.
Reading 'Cracking the PM Interview', UX Your Life
Netflix, Separating Data Stores in Microservices, Hanami, Dry-Validation pre-processing
Article about Fab/Yik Yak, Strongbox, PATCH or PUT?
Crying around in Capybara. Order of columns in indexes. Also finished Gradetecko!
Thoughtful article on the Tech Industry, ActiveRecord::Batch, More Reading about ES.
Importing data and handling conflicts, Keeping JSON key casing consistent, type systems, ActiveRecord::Suppress.
Ask Reddit, also continue reading on things from yesterday, read job search articles.
Bootstrap forms, activerecord-import, idempotency, thinking about Kotlin sealed classes
Reading things on ES, and how the HN algorithm works.
Marathon watching conf talks.
Some reading on crypto, ES6 destructuring, SFC functions?
Also: trying out some front-end tools such as DayJS, styled-components, Redux is nearly there..
Reading on Sharding, Event Sourcing, Parallel queries.
Gem study, Docker on A Cloud Guru, `message_bus`.
Axios interceptor, more export, table or div?, reading a code review
Absolute import paths, watching Ruby tapas on Youtube, `react-boilerplate`?
Search is GET. Don't overthink, just do things if you know you can edit them later.
Flexbox to solve columns thing, Reading Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks
Monoliths vs Microservices vs Serverless, Ruby/Rails patterns, AWS Fargate, Aurora.
React Context, React Fragment, Polyfill, GDPR, Do We Need CS as a Programmer?
Window, Dataset, Ruby `update_columns`
`I18n` on Non-Rails, `alias` vs `alias_method`, Serverless book
Plus the Rope data structure, filtering items, and Facebook Ads/Pixel.
Node and NoSQL, SQL when starting, Cryptocurrency, grep vs awk vs sed.
Plus cool article on big companies, and Chef over Docker.
Reading Gitlab issues re: databases, reading on Node.
REST/RPC, JSON disadvantages, a few other JS libraries to add to the toolkit.
Monads for SuccessfulOperation, Flaky Ruby tests, and getting method names.
React forms and form validation, spinners, pandoc resume building, ExpressJS, Ruby's NotImplementedError.
More create-react-app things for Writing Prompts (it's actually usable now!) and creating a Chef cookbook.
CS Hash table, Lit, yarn eject, fetch vs Axios, JS exports.
Awesome book, hope we get to a point where we can implement these some day!
Practical react-router, deploying create-react-app, Redis lists.
Writing prompts front-end and back-end with create-react-app and Sinatra.
I reach the Redux chapter in Full Stack React, edit views/flexbox in Transcripto, and re-provision/get my feet wet with Chef.
More redis caching, checking Chef, got to Redux chapter.
I finish deploying Transcripto, show it to the homeboys, and hack on Redis optimizing the Pomodoro app.
React PropTypes and Context (used for react-router), Try Deploying Again on AWS.
Where I just power through
Ecto, pagination via `scrinever`, markdown parsing via `Earmark`, React router and stateless functional components.
EC2 instance types, `Exception#full_message`, adding React Dev tools.
Watching some talks: the Future of Rails (2012), indexing, error handling, and continue reading Full Stack React.
Asking about using non-MRI Ruby in production, and the state of `strong_parameters` in Rails 5.x.
JWT day, just shipping stuff regardless, and connecting React.
Where I Struggle with the Slowness of Vim in Rails.
I read/skim through the first parts of Domain-Driven Design, and implement it in my time-tracker.
Most common tip: block distractions. Momentum. Coffee. Being around better engineers. Not internalizing interruptions.
I read a bunch of Ruby architecture articles and try a value object class called dry-struct.
Got Phoenix auth to work, and after 4 years, I finish Objects on Rails.
Upgrading Phoenix to 1.3, Bootstrap, and Guardian. Also, why npm still, Phoenix?
Where I scrap out Elixir Habits One for a better one.
Phoenix Authentication, Changeset composition, IEx History.
Tinkering around app config, Elixir Koans, ElixirCasts Guards/Gravatar.
Changesets, CRUD using forms, Installing my first package, Vim digraphs, Ruby ri.
Reading Programming Phoenix. "When you think about it, typical web applications are just functions."
Where I Sit in With Women Who Code: Manila
Where I agree with everything except primitive obsession.
Where I should have just used CloudFlare to begin with, and ended up spending money on Namecheap SSL. Oh well I'll just add use the SSL for an app, not the blog.
Where I read the interactor gem code. Also, Flexbox Froggy!
Where I add a script to study opening/playing the Study playlist via the CLI. Also, I go back to React.
The benefit of using patterns. Composed Method,, Constructor Method, and Constructor Parameters.
Where I don't just randomly type asterisks now.
Musings on the planned SP playbook.
Where it took longer to change the color of the damn links than to make this blog post.
Where pasting is literally the thing that nearly made me switch editors.